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Clean Energy Solutions

Sustainable Energy, Infrastructure and Resilience Pullquote

Abt works to foster the conditions for investment in clean energy and infrastructure that will be resilient in the face of climate change. Through USAID Clean Power Asia, Abt is supporting governments, utilities and investors with scenario planning; strengthening enabling policies and regulations; and improving project bankability to expand investment in renewable energy resources.

Clean Energy for Multiple Benefits

Energy efficiency and increased generation from renewable energy are key to increasing the reliability of the electric grid. These characteristics provide better energy access and services at a lower cost, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. Abt Associates' support for clean energy includes strategic planning, policy analyses, competitive procurement, and investment facilitation. We evaluate the costs and benefits; study the financial, technical and environmental implications; support data-driven energy planning; identify smart policy incentives; offer technical assistance; facilitate private sector engagement; and identify, communicate, and help implement best practices.