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CREST and QCS System Re-entry Service Provision


  • Evaluate complex re-entry program in a large state
  • Mixed methods evaluation strategy that accommodates changes due to COVID-19
  • Provide Queensland Corrective Services timely insights on various evaluation questions
The Challenge

Re‐entry services help those released from detention avoid re‐offending, succeed on parole, and remain out of custody. To achieve this, reintegration programs must be responsive to the multiple factors that can influence behaviour change. These services focus on practical ways to reduce re‐offending by helping those released secure stable accommodation, address substance abuse, develop social supports, improve their education, and gain employment. Success on re‐entry to the community is about lowering the risk of a return to crime.

The Approach

Abt Associates has been engaged by Queensland Correctional Services (QCS) to evaluate the Community Re-entry Service Teams (CREST) and the broader system of re-entry offered by QCS operating in Queensland’s five regions. The evaluation is to inform implementation and provide advice on the program’s contribution to reducing recidivism. The evaluation will focus on 18 months of de-identified client-level data, quarterly program data, and qualitative interviews with service users, program staff, corrections staff, and referral agencies.  

The Results

The project is in the data collection and preliminary data analysis stage. A final report is expected in October 2020.