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Strengthening Government Capacity in Tanzania


  • Public facilities delivering services to Tanzania’s citizens lack resources and autonomy.
  • The PS3 Project is strengthening local and national government systems.
  • The strengthened systems have increased facilities’ ability to deliver quality services.
The Challenge

Despite tremendous economic growth, many Tanzanians remain underserved by public services such as health, education and agriculture. Two critical issues reduce access to quality services: the service delivery level lacks sufficient human and financial resources, and facilities do not have autonomy to manage their information, plans, finances, staff, service outputs and outcomes.

The Approach

Abt Associates is leading the five-year USAID Public Sector Systems Strengthening Activity (PS3) to promote the delivery, quality and use of public services, particularly for underserved populations. PS3 (now PS3+) strengthens Local Government Authority systems to promote inclusive and evidence-based planning and the management and implementation of services across sectors, including health, education and agriculture. PS3+ focuses on extending interoperable systems, money and public workers to facilities to improve their autonomy, transparency, accountability and efficiency so they can provide high quality services to Tanzania’s citizens.

PS3+ supports local governments and the private sector to meet citizen expectations—particularly of the poor, women and youth. Through public workshops and oversight sessions with government officials, the Abt-led Activity is making it easier for women, youth and people with disabilities to get loans from designated local government authority revenue as well as the Tanzania Social Action Fund. PS3+ is also developing an attendance register for statutory meetings to encourage local governments to invite more women, youth, and people with disabilities. By supporting the national government’s transition to online civil service trainings, the Activity is making these more convenient for those who have family responsibilities.

The Results

PS3+’s support has led to strengthened systems that are making substantial changes in Tanzania’s public sector. With PS3+’s support, all public health facilities (a total of 24,229 schools and health facilities) are using a redesigned web-based PlanRep program to improve planning, budgeting and reporting, resulting in efficiency gains and more realistic budgets. Also, all facilities are using the new web-based Facility Financial Accounting and Reporting System to improve transparency and financial management. PS3+ also helped 185 Local Government Authorities use evidence to better distribute 6,180 new health workers across the country by institutionalizing Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN) plus Priority Optimization Analysis (POA).

Learn more about PS3+: