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Strengthening Tanzania’s Health Supply Chain


  • Poor availability of medicines compromises the health of Tanzanians.
  • Health supply chains need to be more agile, robust and sustainable.
  • GHSC-TA is increasing understanding of the requirements for a health supply chain.
The Challenge

Despite tremendous economic growth, many Tanzanians remain underserved by public services and lack reliable access to essential medicines.

The Approach

Abt Associates is a subcontractor on the USAID Global Health Supply Chain-Technical Assistance (GHSC-TA) project, and is responsible for supporting the government of Tanzania to strengthen its strategic planning for the supply chain. Abt is also helping the government understand the costs of the supply chain and develop financing strategies, and to improve supply chain governance systems.

The Results

Through GHSC-TA, Abt has helped the government of Tanzania analyze its total health commodity financial needs and develop financing strategies. Abt has also helped the government understand the implications of Direct Health Facility Financing upon the health supply chain. GHSC-TA has worked closely with the Logistics Management Unit in the Ministry of Health to increase its capacity, and to clarify the roles and responsibilities of all players within the public supply chain.